Oliver Heldens & DJs From Mars (feat. Jd Davies) – Blue Monday (feat. Jd Davies) (Radio Date: 19-05-2023)

Oliver Heldens & DJs From Mars (feat. Jd Davies) - Blue Monday (feat. Jd Davies) (Radio Date: 19-05-2023)

feat. JD Davies
radio date: Venerdì 19 maggio

Una monumentale collaborazione tra le superstar dj: Oliver Heldens e i Djs From Mars.
In occasione del 40° anniversario dell’iconico brano “Blue Monday” dei New Order, una rielaborazione fantastica che trasporta direttamente nell’epoca d’oro della musica dance. Questa melodia sensazionale combina l’energia contagiosa del suono caratteristico di Oliver Heldens con la magia intergalattica dei Djs From Mars, dando vita a un capolavoro pieno di nostalgia e benessere che ti farà ballare come se fossero di nuovo gli anni ’80!

 Introducing a monumental collaboration between superstar DJs Oliver Heldens and DJs from Mars. Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the iconic ‘Blue Monday’ by New Order, they bring you an unforgettable rework that transports you to the golden era of dance music. This sensational tune combines the infectious energy of Oliver Heldens’ signature sound with the intergalactic magic of DJs from Mars, resulting in a feel-good, nostalgia-filled masterpiece that will have you dancing like it’s the ’80s all over again!

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